facp sydney

FACP Sydney-Melbourne Joint Fellowship 2022

VELOCE with Dr Adrian Lim, MBBS, FACP, FACD - Dermatologist

Melissa McConaghy, FACP - 'Hands Up' Upper Limb Intensive Program

The careless servant will be replaced

FACPChurchofSydney Live Stream

The love for Jesus will restore your broken heart

Devoting ourselves to the fellowship

FACPChurchofSydney Playback - 'Love one another in truth'

Melissa McConaghy, FACP - The LEXO - New Technologies in Physiotherapy Rehabilitation

The Lord's work for us

[Psalm 91] Living under the protection of the Most High

FACPChurchofSydney Playback - When do all things work together for good?

'I forgive you'

Simply obey

[Isaiah 40:27-32] Patience has a perfect work

The deceitful heart

When the Lord comes, will you be a wise and faithful servant?

How To Manage Tailbone Pain

'I will give you living water through my Holy Spirit'

Living in the light of Jesus Christ

1 Timothy 2:8 Exercise toward godliness

When you suffer... Pray

[Jude 1] Never take your eyes from Jesus

Christ is risen! Do you believe?